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Personal sovereignty within a caring community Empowerment; education for Holistic Living Living in abundance; Growing in Abundance; Thriving in Abundance

The concept of Tihei Mauri Ora / First Breath (gasp for air) invokes the magic of possibility to a new born child; that which may be created; unlimited possibilities



  • To establish a Community of 100 “Settler groups” (one person to many) living in abundance in a system minimising government control & tyranny – sort of like a 2021 version of the Maori hapu of old 


  • Build subsistence living by running farming co-operatives at each “village” allowing for the free barter of goods between Settlers and exports out of the community to fund us 


  • Learning skills such as growing & tending crops; rearing livestock; preserving food; natural medicines & health remedies; hunting/fishing; bushcraft; etc 


  • Participating in a thriving community where we genuinely care deeply for one another in demonstrable ways; free of corruption; and in a high degree of inter-personal relationships of trust & mutual accountability 


  • Living abundantly with less – enjoying the benefits of shared use of vehicles; watercraft; tools and equipment; sports gear etc – whereby Settlers may participate in a range of activities typically not available to them 


  • Developing new skills and education in a range of living-focussed initiatives including yoga/Pilates; holistic therapies; spiritual consciousness etc 


  • An opportunity for families to engage meaningfully with singles; solo parents – to assist each other in the task of raising our tamariki (children) and mokupuna 


  • Living at a fraction of the cost of “Normies” – with capital investment options on entry from as little as $150,000 for those who wish to participate as Seed Investors. Settlers may participate with zero capital; with accommodation costs equivalent to less than $100 a week; and may choose to “work off” part of the cost by volunteering to work in the community co-op gardens/farm 


  • Practicing kaitiakitanga in all we do – protecting our land; our resources; our people



  • A well laid out community of quality, modern, moveable pod-style units; suitably insulated; positioned to maximise the sun/views; 


  • A community that encourages active involvement; but does not demand it; 


  • A place for a mixture of abilities; including those with special needs; 


  • A place where personal autonomy and “sovereignty” under God is encouraged; with the “golden rules” applying – Do Unto Others … 


  • A place where minimal rules apply (save those required at this time by Councils and Govt); where Settlers may be free to live and interact under common law and common sense 


  • An opportunity for those unable to otherwise access reasonably priced accommodation (either renting or owning) to have a higher degree of security in a situation that will be significantly cheaper than other options 


  • An opportunity to participate in income-earning opportunities within the Community – offering services to same; working in gardens/farm; other labouring/building jobs. For example – a couple living in a 2-bedroom pod with zero capital investment may be able to work 15 hours a week each to completely cover all living costs – Rent/Power/Internet. Plus also have an abundance of food from their growing plot to eat/trade etc 


  • Become part of what may well be a growing movement within NZ of people getting back “onto the land”; living in vibrant communities; more abundantly for less cost 


  • A safe haven from such things as 5G; government over-reach and other intrusions into our life sovereignty’ practising free will as living men/women to plot our own destinies

What Is It?


  • A hippie commune; or any other such place that would give the appearance of a cult


  • A place to bring your junk and crap. It is important we maintain a high standard of quality in all we do to maintain good relationships with those outside the community in the region 


  • A place for criminals to hide. Our standards shall be high in Integrity and Truth. Whilst no one with a (Maritime/Admiralty Law) criminal record will be disqualified – we shall hold each other to high levels of accountability – particularly in regard to the care of our women and children. Violence will not be tolerated. Neither shall any other activity deemed Criminal by the Community. (eg speeding is not criminal; but molesting a child absolutely is!) 


  • Somewhere for Free Loaders to hang out. It is expected that all Settlers will participate at least at a minimal level. If you are a Hermit – this place is not for you. We wish to encourage Inter-dependence and Love; not Solitude 


  • A huge money-making opportunity. Your Entry as an Investor shall allow for reasonable/fair Return on Investment (“ROI”) but not Usury. As a guide; we shall look to guarantee a return of say 5% on Rent Yield (market is only about 3% in NZ today); and cap it as a maximum of 10%. Within these parameters, Settler(s) may negotiate with the Seed Investor(s). Similarly – we may be able to guarantee an Exit Value (at say 3% flat growth per annum) for Seed Investors; so they may also achieve some Capital Gain if they choose to Exit after 5 Years 

What It Is Not


  • It is envisaged the Co-op will run its own piece of land; in addition to the 100 individual plots of land each Settler manages 


  • Some Settlers may choose to divest responsibility of their plot back to the Co-op; in return for say 10% of the produce generated on that plot. The other 90% will belong to the Co-op to trade/sell as it deems fit 


  • Produce shall be Organic as far as is possible; the spraying of chemicals shall be prohibited (other than those approved by the Co-Op Management Committee or Community Council) 


  • Self-sufficiency shall be encouraged within the community. Bartering will also be encouraged 


  • It is hoped over time that the Co-op will generate 80% plus of the Community Food Needs with the balance being “imported” from outside the Community 


  • Water Management will be a key issue; and the Community shall be designed in such a way that grey water shall be filtered then used on the gardens/crops. Other protection will be established for this vital resource


  • It is hoped that of all the food produced once we have thriving gardens – at least 50% is exported (outside of the community) to be sold in local restaurants; farmers markets etc. If the quality is good; people shall want our produce. This will produce Income back to the Community; to be used to benefit participants in Co-op activities


  • The Co-op may barter/trade/buy goods from similar other co-ops; then onsell to Settlers within this Community – the aim of which is to achieve economies of buying (ie reduce costs of “imported” food) 

  • These aspirations have the targeted goal of reducing food costs of Settlors participating in Co-op activities by at least 75% 


  • This – along with savings in Rent and Outgoings – may allow even a Settler living on a WINZ benefit to have a way better standard of life – reducing outgoings by in excess of $100 a week (25% of their Benefit)

Community Co-Op


  • Are people and families who may enter the Community to live; who agree embrace the Community Living Guidelines; and ultimately be subject to the Community Council or Assembly (being all the Settlers gathered for a given Assembly) in any matter of dispute 


  • Will not be required to make any financial commitment; other than possibly a Bond paid to the Seed Investor they rent a unit from 


  • May choose to participate in cost-reducing activities – such as volunteering to work in the Community Garden/Farm; or manage another Setter’s land plot; or other such activities within the Community 


  • May choose to work their own plot of land (200-300sqm) and keep/trade/sell the produce generated; or add it to the Community Co-op Scheme for financial benefit or reduction of costs further 


  • Shall select a living option that best meets their need/budget; with ability to upgrade/downgrade as appropriate from time to time; subject to availability. Most options will be a self-contained moveable Pod of 37sqm to 94sqm size with a minimum of one bathroom and kitchen


  • For the very low-income Settlers; there may be a opportunity to sleep in basic Cabins and share facilities such as bathrooms and kitchen



  • People may choose to come in as a Seed Investor; a Settler; or both 


  • Some Seed Investors may wish to participate in one investment for themselves; and also as Seed Investor (like a landlord) to enable other Settlers (without capital) to join 


  • All monies collected shall be deposited to a Securities Company for the Project; held in a Solicitors Trust Account; until such time as money is released under agreed terms 


  • The Securities Company shall hold a Caveat over the property held in Trust; limiting the Trustee from excessive Borrowing; and protecting the Investment of the collective of Seed Investors (for example – may limit any borrowings to the lesser of 30% of the Market Value of the Community or the Excess over the Total Investment times 150%). This ensures the Investors are very unlikely to lose their Investment


  • The Investment is split into two components:

(a) Land Use – being a 200sqm site for exclusive living; along with a further allocation (200-300sqm target) for exclusive growing of crops. As well as shared use of all Communal Land; other than restricted Areas


(b) Use of a Portable Living Unit – ranging in size and quality from 37sqm to 94sqm depending on needs and budget. Note the larger units will not be available Until Stage 2 or 3; though Stage 1 Investors will be given Upgrade Rights to have a larger pod replace the one they initially may choose

Seed Investors


Tel: +64 21 372 437




Thanks for submitting!

© :Mark-glanville:Thompson. 2021 – this may be distributed for the promotion of this initiative; not plagiarised for other projects/initiatives.
Please respect the years of work behind the development of this Concept as outlined. Thank you. Proudly created with

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